Fru, a Glamour Everything blog ĂrĂłja nemrĂ©gen blogvĂĄsĂĄrt tartott, amin alaposan bevĂĄsĂĄroltam. A kĂ©pen lĂĄthatĂł öt dolgot szereztem be, nem gyengĂ©n a szĂĄjkencĂ©kre fĂłkuszĂĄlva! A kĂ©pen felĂŒlrĆl haladva elmondom aktuĂĄlis vĂ©lemĂ©nyemet a termĂ©kekrĆl. Az Astor Perfect Stay ajakfilcĂ©vel sokat szemeztem a drogĂ©riĂĄkban, de a jĂł lĂ©lek sem vitt volna rĂĄ, hogy eredeti vagy akĂĄr akciĂłs ĂĄron megvegyem, Ăgy most rĂĄcsaptam, kĂvĂĄncsian vĂĄrom mit tud majd. Ezt az egyetlen egy termĂ©ket nem hasznĂĄltam mĂ©g, de a nyĂĄri irdatlan hĆsĂ©gben sokat fogok mĂ©g utĂĄna nyĂșlni, Ășgy gondolom! A Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet folyĂ©kony ajakrĂșzsairĂłl megannyiszor olvastam mĂĄr bejegyzĂ©seket, de a swatchokat lĂĄtva a nude ĂĄrnyalaton kĂvĂŒl mindegyiket harsĂĄnynak talĂĄltam. MĂ©gis a dögös OlĂ© Flamingo mellett döntöttem, nincs mĂ©g egy ilyen erĆs Ă©s vibrĂĄlĂł szĂnƱ szĂĄjkencĂ©m, de cseppet sem bĂĄntam meg a beszerzĂ©sĂ©t. Ăgy a boltinĂĄl sokkal kedvezĆbb ĂĄron szĂĄmomra megĂ©rte, Ăgy megismerkedve a textĂșrĂĄval azt hiszem Ćsszel kuponnal beszerzem majd a nude ĂĄrnyalatot! KövetkezĆkĂ©nt a sorban jöjjön a Bourjois pirosĂtĂłja Rose Frisson szĂnben. Ezeket a pirosĂtĂłkat jĂł vĂ©telnek talĂĄlom, fĆleg most, hogy ilyen kedvezĆ ĂĄron jutottam hozzĂĄ. SokĂĄig kitartanak, egy rakat pirosĂtĂłt tĂĄrol a kis tĂ©gely! Mikor meglĂĄttam, hogy az eladĂł termĂ©kek között van egy Rimmel Moisture Renew rĂșzs, rögtön rĂĄ is csaptam. A Picadilly Pink nagy kedvencem lett, az Ćszi idĆszakban sokat fogom hasznĂĄlni. VĂ©gĂŒl, de nem utolsĂł sorban a Clinique kis mini szĂĄjfĂ©nyĂ©t is beszereztem, nem fogyasztom nagy mennyisĂ©gben a szĂĄjfĂ©nyeket, Ăgy ebbĆl a szĂnbĆl azt hiszem ez az adag bĆven elĂ©g lesz!
Fru, from Glamour Everythig Blog threw a blogsale, where I looked around and bought a few pieces. Four of the five products are lip products, but I wasn't focusing directly on them!
I have been watching Astor's Perfect Stay Transferproof Lip Tint & Care for a while, but I did not wanted to spend a huge amount of money on this little thing. I am curious about this, however this is the one of the prudcts I haven't tried yet, but in the heavy hotness will be a good thing to wear on lips. I have read so many good thing about Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet liquid lipsticks, but the swatches seemed so bright for me, and I don't wear bright colours at all, so skipped it, untill now.. I bought Olé Flamingo and I am impressed. I love the texture, so planning buying that nude one with coupons in autumn. Bourjois Rose Frisson blush is a lovely product. I own another colour and I think one of it is not enough. They last for a lifetime, so this is the perfect thing to invest in. Rimmel Moisture Renew lipstick is a well raved product, so a put my hand on it. This lipstick convinced me buy other colours, so stay tuned! Picadilly Pink will be my favourite pick for fall. Last but not least I chose this mini Clinique Lipgloss sample. I am interested in Clinique, but so pricy for me. This is a great opportunity to try something high-end out and feel that luxury. I am not a huge lipgloss consumer, so this colour will last me a pretty while!